No cost, no appointment testing is available at the following two health centers.

an icon of a health clinic

Health Center 1

1930 S. Broad St, 2nd Fl.


Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm
Mondays, 4:30pm – 7:00pm

an icon of a health clinic

Health Center 5

1900 N. 20th St


Monday – Friday, 7:45am – 4:00pm

a man with glasses sitting down on a blue chair, wearing a jeans and jean jacket, and looking straightahead
a man with glasses sitting down on a blue chair, wearing a jeans and jean jacket, and looking straightahead


  • Oral, anal or vaginal sex without a condom.
  • Skin-to-skin contact with an infected person who has a sore or rash.
  • Condoms do not provide 100% protection if a sore or rash aren’t covered by the condom.
  • Rimming and fisting can also put you at risk.


It can take days to weeks from when you came in contact with syphilis to when you may notice symptoms. The symptoms are different from person to person and usually come and go in three stages:

an orange silhouette of a man with a red spot on his mouth and genitals


Can be a painless, open sore on your penis, balls, in or around your butthole or mouth—depending on the type of sex you have. If your partner has a sore on their penis, and you bottom without a condom your sore will be in our around your butt, or in your mouth if you give a blow job.

The sore will heal after a few weeks without medicine. However, you still have syphilis so it’s important not to ignore it.

an orange silhouette of a man illustrating bumps across his entire body


Can start as long as 6 months after being exposed to a syphilis sore. Signs can include a rash on your chest or torso, what look like spots on your hands or feet, swollen glands, white patches inside your mouth or white or warty bumps around your penis and balls. These symptoms will also go away without medication, but don’t ignore them. Especially if you experience blurry vision or eye pain, get to a doctor right away.

an orange silhouette of a man that illustrates his brain, heart, liver, esophagus, and bones


During this stage, you do not have any symptoms. But you still have syphilis and can pass it to others. This latent stage can last for as little as a year, or range from 5 to twenty years. During this stage you can also relapse and experience secondary symptoms again.

It is incredibly important not to leave syphilis untreated. Over time, it can cause serious health complications such as blindness, problems with the heart and mental illness.


Because the symptoms can be tricky to diagnose, you should have a physical exam done by your doctor and a blood test to determine if you have syphilis. Remember, a syphilis sore can be in a place like your butthole or inside your mouth so you may not notice it. That is why a blood test is so important.

a man holds woman intimately from behind while they look at each other
a man holds a woman intimately from behind while they look at each other


If you have tested positive for syphilis, have been told by your partner they have syphilis and/or are experiencing symptoms of syphilis, you need to seek medical treatment immediately. A penicillin treatment is recommended to cure syphilis. This is given as a shot in your butt cheek. You should make sure you have follow-up blood tests 3-6 months after treatment to make sure the shot worked. Like other bacterial infections, you can get syphilis again.

It is especially important to talk to a public health worker about who you’ve had sex with, even if you don’t know a lot about them. This helps prevent syphilis infections in your community.

two gay men holding each other intimately and smiling
two gay men holding each other intimately and smiling



Using condoms every time, the correct way, will help reduce the risk of picking up and passing on both syphilis and HIV. Research shows us that having any STD or having sex with someone with an STD can increase your risk of picking up HIV. If you already have HIV, an infection like syphilis may increase the amount of virus in your cum and increase the chance you'll pass on HIV to your partner.

Term Definitions

  • Adolescent Specialty Age 12 to 24

    Agency has identified itself as a provider of services specifically for the age group from 12 to 24. The agency may also provide services for other age groups.

  • AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance

    A program that helps pay for HIV and other medications.

  • Emergency Financial Assistance

    Short-term help paying for an emergency need, including utilities, housing, and transportation.

  • Emergency Financial Assistance Pharmacy

    Help with paying for medication.

  • Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals

    Help with getting food, either at a food bank or delivered to your home.

  • Harm Reduction and Syringe Access Services

    Services to prevent HIV transmission and overdose. Services include exchange of used syringes for new syringes in order to prevent HIV and other communicable diseases.

  • Health Education/Risk Reduction

    Information and education on how HIV is transmitted and how to take care of your health needs.

  • HIV Care and Support Services

    These are services that are sometimes called “Ryan White Services.” They are services to provide HIV care or other assistance to individuals with HIV.

  • HIV Prevention Services

    These services are meant to help prevent HIV transmission. Some services are specific to people who are HIV negative, and other services are available regardless of HIV status.

  • HIV Testing

    HIV testing in a walk-in setting.

  • Legal Services

    Help from a lawyer.

  • Low Threshold Sexual Health Services

    Sexual health, STI testing, and HIV testing in a walk-in clinic.

  • Medical Case Management, including Treatment Adherence Services

    Help facilitating healthcare and mental health needs for people with HIV while providing support services.

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy

    Advice from a licensed professional about what to eat for a specific medical need and help getting food or nutritional supplements (such as Ensure).

  • Medical Transportation

    Transportation to medical appointments.

  • Mental Health Services

    A counselor or other professional to help deal with a mental health problem.

  • Oral Health Care

    Dental care.

  • Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services

    HIV medical care in an office or clinic.

  • Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Non-Occupational Exposures (PEP COE)

    A hotline to find medicine to prevent HIV after an exposure.

  • Ryan White Housing

    Short-term help paying rent.

  • Substance Abuse Outpatient Care

    Drug or alcohol treatment at an office or clinic.

  • TelePrEP

    Online and phone access to medicine to prevent HIV.

  • Transitional Housing

    Help paying for housing for people with HIV experiencing homeless or with housing insecurity.

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  • Search: Type a word or phrase into the keyword search field to view results. Multiple words entered into the field will be searched independently. Example: Search for: “food” or “bank”. Phrases enclosed with quotation marks will show results for the whole phrase. Ex. Search for “food bank”.
  • Filter: If a keyword search returns too many results, refine it by adding filter terms using the dropdown pickers and checkboxes. Example: Search for “food bank” AND Philadelphia county.
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  • Start over: Reset the search and filters by pressing the Reset button.